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Laser LIPO

Laser Lipo is a new, innovative way to achieve the body of your dreams! This state of the art technology uses low-level lasers to target and break down fat cells, resulting in dramatic inch loss.

Laser Lipo is safe, painless, and requires no downtime. Most patients see results after just one treatment! If you are looking for a non-invasive way to sculpt your body and get rid of unwanted fat, Laser Lipo is the perfect solution for you.

Benefits of Laser Lipo:

– Safe and painless

– No downtime or recovery time

– Fast, visible results

– Suitable for all skin types

– Targets stubborn fat areas that are resistant to diet and exercise

We will create a custom treatment plan tailored specifically for you. Let us help you love the skin you’re in!

How does it work?

The low-level lasers used in Laser Lipo emit a wavelength of light that is absorbed by the fat cells. This absorption causes the fat cells to break down and be released into the interstitial fluid, where they are then metabolized by the body.

Laser Lipo treatments are typically 30-60 minutes long, and most patients see results after just one treatment! However, for optimal results, we recommend a series of 6-8 treatments.

Unlike traditional liposuction, laser lipo does not require any anesthesia or recovery time, so you can return to your normal activities immediately after your treatment.

We are proud to offer this revolutionary new treatment to our clients! If you are interested in learning more about Laser Lipo, please call us today to schedule a consultation. Our services for laser lipo are the best in town!

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